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Our Goal

The goal of the Centre is to conduct frontier research in biotechnology and bioengineering and to develop models of important biological systems using tools of modern bioengineering and a systems biotechnology approach


The Centre for Biotechnology and Engineering (CeBiB) has the mission of stimulating the Chilean economic growth through the development of an interdisciplinarian research team which includes young scientists as well as regional research teams. Our main goal is to do frontier science in biotechnology and bioengineering.

We will play a key role in the education and specialization of doctorate students and post-doctoral researchers from Chile and abroad, and in the training of an important number of young scientists who will lead the future scientific advances in Chile.


The Centre for Biotechnology and Engineering (CeBiB) is the most important frontier research centre in biotechnology and bioengineering in Latin America.


CeBiB is a leader in research and development of biotechnology and bioengineering applications, particularly in those fields where Chile has important comparative advantages. Our centre’s aim is to increase those advantages, always in relation with the public and private sectors and the industrial interests and needs. All of these with the goal of increasing the Chilean economy competitiveness based on scientific and technological innovation.

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Main Indicators 


ISI – Index


PhD thesis


Master thesis



50%- 50%

Gender Parity


Additional Financing

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Associated Universities

The University of Chile in Santiago is the host institution with participation of the University of Antofagasta in the north, the University of Santiago, the University of La Frontera in Temuco, and the University of Los Lagos in Puerto Montt, both in the south of the country.

Our Partners

  • Universidad Diego Portales

  • Universidad del Bio Bio

  • Universidad de Concepción

  • Universidad de Magallanes

  • Universidad Católica del Norte

  • Universidad Católica de Chile [ CR2 - AMTC - CEMP ]

Scientific Networks

CeBiB collaborates internationally and nationally with well known scientists of the most prestigiuos institutions worlwide, generating a network that promotes and drives our scientific excellence.

International Advisory Board

Our Team

The present organizational chart and the one proposed for the second 5 year stage of the Centre is shown in the Management section of this continuity proposal. The decision making council is the Board of 10 Principal Researchers from all institutions that meet 6 or 7 times a year. All administrative decisions are taken by this Board. The role of the four different Boards of the Centre is also described in the Management section.

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