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Publications 2023
N° | Year Published | Journal Name | Volume | Article Title | Authors | Name of Research Line | DOI/Identifier | Links |
21 | 2023 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS | 12567 | Fiber bundles simulator using exponential curves to validate fiber clustering algorithms | Poo Elida Kublik Carlos Houenou Josselin Poupon Cyril Mangin JeanFrancois Hernandez Cecilia Guevara Pamela Brieva J Guevara P Lepore N Linguraru MG Rittner L Castro ER | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1117/12.2669811 | |
22 | 2023 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS | 12567 | Superficial white matter shape characterization using hierarchical clustering and a multisubject bundle atlas | Mendoza C. Roman C. Molina J. Poupon C. Mangin J. F. Hernandez C. Guevara P. Brieva J Guevara P Lepore N Linguraru MG Rittner L Castro ER | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1117/12.2669738 | |
23 | 2023 | 18TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS | 12567 | GroupWise Cortical Parcellation Based on Structural Connectivity and Hierarchical Clustering | Molina Joaquin Mendoza Cristobal Roman Claudio Houenou Josselin Poupon Cyril Mangin Jean Francois ElDeredy Wael Hernandez Cecilia Guevara Pamela Brieva J Guevara P Lepore N Linguraru MG Rittner L Castro ER | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1117/12.2670138 | |
24 | 2023 | 2023 19TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS SIPAIM | 2023 | Comparing White Matter Fiber Bundle Segmentation Methods for Autism Prediction | Vidal Natalia Navarrete Sebastian Roman Claudio Houenou Josselin Mangin JeanFrancois Hernandez Cecilia Guevara Pamela IEEE | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1109/SIPAIM56729.2023.10373470 | |
25 | 2023 | ALGAL RESEARCHBIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS | 72 | The influence of ammonium to nitrate ratio on the thermal responses of early life stages of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera | Fernandez Pamela A. Labbe Barbara GaitanEspitia Juan D. Hurd Catriona L. Paine Ellie R. Willis Anusuya Sanderson Craig Buschmann Alejandro H. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103114 | |
26 | 2023 | CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 302 | Xylan extraction from hardwoods by alkaline pretreatment for xylooligosaccharide production: A detailed fractionation analysis | Lehuede Luciana Henriquez Constanza Caru Claudia Cordova Andres Mendonca Regis Teixeira Salazar Oriana | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120381 | |
27 | 2023 | CHAOS SOLITONS FRACTALS | 167 | Modelbased assessment of sampling protocols for infectious disease genomic surveillance | Contreras Sebastian Orostica Karen Y. DazaSanchez Anamaria Wagner Joel Doenges Philipp MedinaOrtiz David Jara Matias Verdugo Ricardo Conca Carlos Priesemann Viola OliveraNappa Alvaro | Protein Engineering (PE) | 10.1016/j.chaos.2022.113093 | |
28 | 2023 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSINGPROCESS INTENSIFICATION | 183 | Microwaveassisted epoxidized oil production from the wet microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana to obtain environmentally friendly epoxy resins | Hidalgo Pamela Echeverria Ana Romero Luis Navia Rodrigo Hunter Renato | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.cep.2022.109215 | |
29 | 2023 | COMPUTER NETWORKS | 237 | A streaming algorithm and hardware accelerator to estimate the empirical entropy of network flows | Fernandez Yaime Soto Javier E. Vera Sofia Prieto Yasmany Hernandez Cecilia Figueroa Miguel | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1016/j.comnet.2023.110035 | |
30 | 2023 | FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE | 10 | Editorial: Sustainable seaweed aquaculture: Current advances and its environmental implications | Schmid Matthias Biancacci Cecilia Leal Pablo P. Fernandez Pamela A. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3389/fmars.2023.1160656 | |
31 | 2023 | FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY | 13 | Spatial cooccurrence patterns of benthic microbial assemblage in response to trace metals in the Atacama Desert Coastline | Zarate Ana Molina Veronica Valdes Jorge Icaza Gonzalo Vega Sue Ellen Castillo Alexis Ugalde Juan A. Dorador Cristina | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1020491 | |
32 | 2023 | FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH | 11 | A general modeling framework for quantitative tracking accurate prediction of ICU and assessing vaccination for COVID19 in Chile | Cumsille Patricio RojasDiaz Oscar Conca Carlos | Mathematical Modelling (MM) | 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1111641 | |
33 | 2023 | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMSTHE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE | 138 | JACCFPGA: A hardware accelerator for Jaccard similarity estimation using FPGAs in the cloud | Soto Javier E. Hernandez Cecilia Figueroa Miguel | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1016/j.future.2022.08.005 | |
34 | 2023 | Global Biogeochemical Cycles | N/A | Recent Deoxygenation of Patagonian Fjord Subsurface Waters Connected to the Peru–Chile Undercurrent and Equatorial Subsurface Water Variability | Linford P. Pérez‐Santos I. Montes I. Dewitte B. Buchan S. Narváez D. Saldías G. Pinilla E. Garreaud R. Díaz P. Schwerter C. Montero P. Rodríguez‐Villegas C. Cáceres‐Soto M. Mancilla‐Gutiérrez G. Altamirano R. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1029/2022GB007688 | |
35 | 2023 | HARMFUL ALGAE | 129 | Small and patchy is enough: An example about how toxic HAB events can spread through low resting cyst loads | RodriguezVillegas Camilo Figueroa Rosa I. Baldrich Angela M. PerezSantos Ivan Diaz Manuel Tomasetti Stephen J. Seguel Miriam Alvarez Gonzalo Salgado Pablo Diaz Patricio A. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.hal.2023.102495 | |
36 | 2023 | HARMFUL ALGAE | 125 | The niche of a stresstolerant specialist Dinophysis acuminata in a coastal upwelling system | VelascoSenovilla Esther Diaz Patricio A. Nogueira Enrique Rodriguez Francisco Garrido Jose L. RuizVillarreal Manuel Reguera Beatriz | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.hal.2023.102427 | |
37 | 2023 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY | 69 | Toward a Definitive Compressibility Measure for Repetitive Sequences | Kociumaka Tomasz Navarro Gonzalo Prezza Nicola | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1109/TIT.2022.3224382 | |
38 | 2023 | INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION | 294 | Efficient construction of the BWT for repetitive text using string compression | DiazDominguez Diego Navarro Gonzalo | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1016/j.ic.2023.105088 | |
39 | 2023 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION | 85 | Volunteers' capabilities and their perceived satisfaction and performance in volunteering tasks during socionatural disasters | Jaime Daniela Martinez Pablo Contreras Daniela Bonacic Carolina Marin Mauricio | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103510 | |
40 | 2023 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY | 73 | <i>Micromonospora parastrephiae sp. nov. and Micromonospora</i> tarensis sp. nov. isolated from the rhizosphere of a Parastrephia quadrangularis plant growing in the Salar de Tara region of the Central Andes in Chile | Razmilic Valeria Nouioui Imen Karlyshev Andrey Jawad Rana Trujillo Martha E. Igual Jose M. Andrews Barbara A. Asenjo Juan A. Carro Lorena Goodfellow Michael | Metabolomics and Metabolic Engineering (ME) | 10.1099/ijsem.0.006189 | |
41 | 2023 | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | 172 | Carbon nanotube production from algal biochar using microwave irradiation technology | Hidalgo Pamela Navia Rodrigo Hunter Renato Camus Carolina Buschmann Alejandro Echeverria Ana | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.jaap.2023.106017 | |
42 | 2023 | Journal of Applied Phycology | N/A | Contrasting response of Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales Rhodophyta) life cycle stages to epiphyte infection | Usandizaga Sara Beltrán Jessica Faugeron Sylvain Camus Carolina | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1007/s1081102302998x | |
43 | 2023 | Journal of Phycology | N/A | First report of epiphytic dinoflagellate Coolia malayensis (Dinophyceae) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean | Uribe Eduardo Álvarez Gonzalo Cárcamo Claudia Díaz Patricio A. Rengel José Blanco Juan | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1111/jpy.13351 | |
44 | 2023 | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | 54 | The contribution of aquaculture systems to global aquaculture production | Verdegem Marc Buschmann Alejandro H. Latt U. Win Dalsgaard Anne J. T. Lovatelli Alessandro | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1111/jwas.12963 | |
45 | 2023 | Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) | 259 | Computing MEMs on Repetitive Text Collections. In 34th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2023) | Navarro Gonzalo | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.4230/LIPIcs.CPM.2023.24 | |
46 | 2023 | Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) | 259 | LSystems for Measuring Repetitiveness | Navarro Gonzalo Urbina Cristian | Bioinformatics (BI) | 10.4230/LIPIcs.CPM.2023.25 | |
47 | 2023 | MARINE DRUGS | 21 | Coenzyme Q in <i>Thraustochytrium</i> sp. RT231616: Effect of the Medium Composition | Flores Liset Shene Carolina Asenjo Juan A. Chisti Yusuf | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/md21110586 | |
48 | 2023 | MARINE DRUGS | 21 | Dinophysis acuminata or Dinophysis acuta: What Makes the Difference in Highly Stratified Fjords? | Baldrich Angela M. Diaz Patricio A. Alvarez Gonzalo PerezSantos Ivan Schwerter Camila Diaz Manuel Araya Michael Nieves Maria Gabriela RodriguezVillegas Camilo Barrera Facundo FernandezPena Concepcion ArenasUribe Sara Navarro Pilar Reguera Beatriz | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/md21020064 | |
49 | 2023 | MARINE DRUGS | 21 | Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in the Gastropod Concholepas concholepas: Variability Toxin Profiles and Mechanisms for Toxicity Reduction | Seguel Miriam Molinet Carlos Diaz Manuel Alvarez Gonzalo Garcia Carlos Marin Andres Millanao Maria Olga Diaz Patricio A. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/md21010044 | |
50 | 2023 | MARINE DRUGS | 21 | Nitrogen Sources Affect the LongChain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Content in Thraustochytrium sp. RT231616 | Valdebenito Diego Urrutia Sebastian Leyton Allison Chisti Yusuf Asenjo Juan A. Shene Carolina | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/md21010015 | |
51 | 2023 | MARINE POLICY | 155 | Seaweed blue carbon: Ready? Or Not? | Fujita Rod Augyte Simona Bender Jennifer Brittingham Poppy Buschmann Alejandro H. Chalfin Max Collins Jamie Davis Kristen A. Gallagher John Barry Gentry Rebecca Gruby Rebecca L. Kleisner Kristin Moritsch Monica Price Nichole Roberson Loretta Taylor John Yarish Charles | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105747 | |
52 | 2023 | MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN | 195 | Nocturnal seston: A key to explain the cadmium transfer from seawater to mussels (Mytilus chilensis) | Blanc J. Max Subiabre Ricardo Duemler Jaclyn Oyarzun L. Camilo Diaz Patricio A. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115544 | |
53 | 2023 | MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN | 193 | From lipophilic to hydrophilic toxin producers: Phytoplankton succession driven by an atmospheric river in western Patagonia | Diaz Patricio A. Alvarez Gonzalo Figueroa Rosa I. Garreaud Rene PerezSantos Ivan Schwerter Camila Diaz Manuel Lopez Loreto PintoTorres Marco Krock Bernd | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115214 | |
54 | 2023 | MICROORGANISMS | 11 | Cellulose Synthase in Atacama Cyanobacteria and Bioethanol Production from Their Exopolysaccharides | Galetovic Alexandra Pena Gabriel Fernandez Nicole Urrutia Milton Flores Nataly GomezSilva Benito Di Ruggiero Jocelyne Shene Carolina Bustamante Mariela | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/microorganisms11112668 | |
55 | 2023 | MICROORGANISMS | 11 | Toxic Algal Bloom Recurrence in the Era of Global Change: Lessons from the Chilean Patagonian Fjords | Diaz Patricio A. Figueroa Rosa I. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.3390/microorganisms11081874 | |
56 | 2023 | NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH | 41 | Pharmacological Inhibition of p21 Activated Kinase (PAK) Restores Impaired Neurite Outgrowth and Remodeling in a Cellular Model of Down Syndrome | BarrazaNunez Natalia PerezNunez Ramon GaeteRamirez Belen BarriosGarrido Alejandra Arriagada Christian Poksay Karen John Varghese Barnier JeanVianney Maria Cardenas Ana Caviedes Pablo | Metabolomics and Metabolic Engineering (ME) | 10.1007/s12640023006383 | |
57 | 2023 | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 865 | The impact of local and climate change drivers on the formation dynamics and potential recurrence of a massive fishkilling microalgal bloom in Patagonian fjord | Diaz Patricio A. PerezSantos Ivan Basti Leila Garreaud Rene Pinilla Elias Barrera Facundo Tello Alfredo Schwerter Camila ArenasUribe Sara SotoRiquelme Camila Navarro Pilar Diaz Manuel Alvarez Gonzalo Linford Pamela M. Altamirano Robinson MancillaGutierrez Guido RodriguezVillegas Camilo Figueroa Rosa I | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161288 | |
58 | 2023 | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT | 871 | Contribution of soil bacteria to the atmosphere across biomes | Archer Stephen D. J. Lee Kevin C. Caruso Tancredi Alcami Antonio Araya Jonathan G. Cary S. Craig Cowan Don A. Etchebehere Claudia Gantsetseg Batdelger GomezSilva Benito Hartery Sean Hogg Ian D. Kansour Mayada K. Lawrence Timothy Lee Charles K. Lee Patrick K. H. Leopold Matthias Leung Marcus H. Y. Maki Teruya Mckay Christopher P. et al. | Molecular Genetics Extremophiles and Ecophysiology (MG) | 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162137 | |
59 | 2023 | SUSTAINABILITY | 15 | Modeling and Evaluation of the Susceptibility to Landslide Events Using Machine Learning Algorithms in the Province of Chañaral Atacama Region Chile | Parra Francisco Gonzalez Jaime Chacon Max Marin Mauricio | Mathematical Modelling (MM) | 10.3390/su152416806 |
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